Thursday, November 3, 2011

Told you so.

There have been people telling you that this has been the end goal of the occupier's all a long, but the news media has handled this as a joke, all a long. they have ignored the crime, the rapes, the drugs, the thieves, and all the other stuff that has been going on at these occupy rallies cuz you see they knew what the end game was all a long. This is also what Obama and the people that he has surrounded him self with have been hoping for, its what they have been waiting for since the 60's, cuz you see it didn't work back then.if this doesn't end soon the people are going to ask the government to do something to stop this and they will be more than happy to do something, the question is when their done doing something how many freedoms will we have lost? You see in the 60's the radicals didn't have the people at the top like they do now. We are definitely entering some interesting and dangerous times. Smoking Dan.

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