Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The stock market.

I usually like to write about things I know more about. But the stock market? I'm old enough to have kept an eye on it over the years, I've seen it go up and down. I watched it go up and up a few years ago until no one thought it could last, and guess what they were right and then it crashed down, and a lot of people were mad cuz they lost money. I think they were mad cuz some people who knew when to get out made a lot of money. The funny thing was it seems like a lot of them made money with out any actual product being produced. In fact this seemed about the time banks were willing to loan 125% of the worth of a house? Now the thing is bouncing up and down the way the back end of my car does on the ice, now if this analogy holds true then we better brace for impact, and if the whipping around is any indication its going to be a big one! Smoking Dan.

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