Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I,ve been waching.

Yes I've been watching the run up to next years election and as I've been watching , something dawned on me, its not the people we have elected. No its our fault. THAT'S RIGHT ITS OUR FAULT! You see we elected them, we sent them to our capitals, state and federal and when they got there they sucked up all the power and did what ever they wanted to and what did we do, well we waited around for a few years and elected some more lop headed sob's and they went to their offices and did the same thing. Seems like someone said some thing about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Well its time to do some thing different? Like maybe we should actually hold these people responsible for representing us we the people. Then I'm not sure it would make that much of a difference who we elected because if they didn't represent us they would know that they would be RECALLED. That's right if you don't do what the people that elected you to do, then we aren't going to wait for years to get rid of you, no as soon as we feel that your not doing your job "representing us" your FIRED. You see its not you that has the power its "WE THE PEOPLE"!  But until we the people are ready to hold these people accountable we are going to keep winding up with the same result. And that's why its our fault! Smoking Dan.

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