Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Start the war.

I'm going to start this by linking up to three definitions for environmentalism I'm doing this because it's a good starting place and you got to start some place.
 Environmentalist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 Environmentalist | Define Environmentalist at Dictionary.com
 environmentalist - Wiktionary
 So read these so you get a idea of what they want all of us to believe then I'll get into just what a load of BS this is and how the environmental movement has nothing to do with the environment. Smoking Dan.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

This is WAR!

Ive been gone for a while because I wasn't sure what to write about and I was tired of blathering on about noting Ive picked my mountain to die on. It will be the mountain of environmentalism . That's right I'm going to spend the rest of my life exposing the environmentalist movement for what it is "EVIL". That's right the whole GREEN movement that everyone has bought into and let their kids be taught is a bunch of crap and its been presented to us in the grand fashion of the NAZIS, Tell a lie often enough and long enough and people will believe it, just like putting a frog in cold water and turn up the heat slowly and he will just sit there until he finally boils and yes we are the frogs! This is going to be written as one long  blog  I'll stop when I get tired and start again when I have more to say.  Smoking Dan.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

True colors of Mitt Romney

After Michigan changed the way the delegates were awarded after the vote tells me every thing I need to know about Romney! Just another dirty rotten politician! Vote for Rick. No soup for Mitt! Smoking Dan.