Friday, December 30, 2011

Still really sick.

I'm sick enough, and drugged up enough that I'm pretty sure I went out to lunch yesterday with a friend but  not 100%? Smoking Dan.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Its just a cold?

Ive got a cold, if I could figure that one out in about 10min. you would think a crack team of doctors and other specialists could figure it out in less then 7hr.but that's what it took. The problem isn't really theirs, no its ours we are ready to sue if they miss anything, so they test for everything. I probably had enough  chest X rays that my nipples glow in the dark. Yes I'm talking about the V.A. heath care system. Now don't get me wrong these people have over the years taking very good care of me. And the drugs are free! And they do handle an incredible amount of people The parking lot is always full, and all the waiting rooms are always next time I'll pack a lunch and a dinner, take all my med's along with some form of entertainment. Smoking Dan.

Monday, December 26, 2011

I fear.

I fear the worst in this country is still to come. I remember when everyone said Nixon was the worst, but then we had Clinton and everyone said that's as bad as it can get, and now here's Obama, and I fear that he's not the worst yet. If it keeps going down the same road its going  to take a majority of very strong people to put this country back on the tracks. I believe these people might be the combat vets that are now returning. These are some of the strongest people Ive ever met and I pray they will be our future. Smoking Dan.

Friday, December 23, 2011


I pray for our leaders. I pray that they might pray for guidance and for the humility to follow it. I pray for my country. I pray for the salvation of its people. But most of all I pray that GOD BLESS AMERICA. Smoking Dan.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Snow parking.

I went shopping to day, Don't even get me started on that. Even though  we don't have any snow yet, I've noticed some thing when it does snow and it covers up the lines in the parking lot. Its like everybody got hit hard with the stupid stick, and have never been to a parking lot before in their life. It's like everybody drove in the parking lot at 100mph slammed on the brakes and when the vehicle finally came to a stop, they just climbed out and left their vehicle were it came to a stop. It looks like one of those accidents they show at the bottom of a icy hill with about 1000 cars and trucks. I've even seen two cars park nose to nose and another person pull in behind one of the cars so close that the person in the middle had to wait til one of the others came back to get out. Or park so close that you can't get your door open to get into your car. And one more thing if you don't have a handy cap parking thing you can't park in a handy cap spot if you leave someone else in the car! Even though I don't think it will do any good try using your brain when you park this winter. Smoking Dan.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Karen Johnson AKA. Whoopi Goldberg

Karen Johnson AKA Whoopi Goldberg, one of the hens on the View. I don't understand why anyone would waste their time watching this tripe, to much time I guess. Anyway I'm old enough to remember her surfer girl back ally coat hanger abortion bit, it showed just how low and disgusting a person she really is! Well now along with all her other half ass ed ideas we find out how she thinks communism is such a good idea. You can say something is one thing, but if you look at it in its practical use that's what it really is. Communism, Islam ism, Socialism, and Fascism are all one in the same in the end, because if you don't do as they tell you to they all end at the point of a gun! They all go against the God given freedom all human beings are born with. You see we are all born free some just lose that freedom faster than others. We in this country are born free and live free, even though their are many out there that are trying to end this as hard as they can, and that's why we must fight against all those who try to bring forth one or all of the four isms with our very lives each and every day. Smoking Dan.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

TV Sucks

That's right TV sucks! It seems like some very talented people take the time to write and develop a very well thought out show. Find the right people to star in it. Record a season of the show, and to this point everything is great. Then they sell it to a network where it is finally shown to you and me. And if we like it then everything is great, right, NO! Cuz then the network takes this perfectly good show of the air for months while they show some piece of crap, during which time you wind up forgetting what the show you enjoyed was all about. And if that's not bad enough when they do bring it back they decide to inject a few award shows and sporting events in between the new seasons shows so that some times its 2-3 weeks before the next episode and if you forget when the next show is airing and miss it, well lets just say after a while you just lose interest. For me this has happened for shows like The X files, Alias, Fringe, and others, and yes this pisses me off! Or they just sell it to a network channel you don't get. Just like NASCAR, and INDY CAR racing hey I've got an idea lets show 1/2 the season on one channel and the other 1/2 on another channel I don't get. So to the people that make these decisions can you say you just lost a viewer. Smoking Dan.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

Sorry to Iran?

Really, say we are sorry to Iran for the spy drone, OK, that's right I guess we should have just bombed you back to the stone age, you know make your country look like a glow stick from space. Consider the drone a warning ,the one and only, the last! Stop your nuke programs now or find out what real shock and ah is! Smoking Dan.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


When I think back Christmas was really something. it meant the most, the best time of the year was coming. You got out of school for Christmas break that meant you got to go out and have fun even before Christmas even got there. There was all ways snow on the ground so you had all the stuff you could do in the snow snow men, snow ball fights, snow forts, going sledding, skiing, making money shoveling snow just in general having fun. Then there was the fun of  going Christmas shopping, back in the day when they had really dangerous toys erector sets, train sets chemistry sets, I remember the dog was crapping blue for a week, bow and arrow sets, BB guns that shot real BB's. Them old Christmas tree lights that would start a fire in a second, but would not work if one bulb was bad no matter how long it took you to find it checking one bulb at a time, those thin glass ornaments  that would break if you looked at them wrong. Standing in line for hours just to sit on Santa's lap and get your picture taken. When every place you went had big signs up that said "MERRY CHRISTMAS'. When mom and dad stayed up all night pretty drunk on eggnog and hot buttered rum drinks wrapping and assembling stuff. Back when Christmas was truly magical. And somehow we all survived. Smoking Dan.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Used Cars.

Sorry about yesterday thought it was Monday, sometimes when you get older, well lets just leave it at that, OK. Any way I look at the bunch running for president and I think is this the best we can do? I mean really, out of 300 and some odd million people we could field a better group then this. And then there's the liberal media. Even though they won't ask Obama anything that might make him look bad, they will not hesitate to rip all of our people to shreds. Even if the questions they ask aren't true and they know it. "Dan Rather and G.W. Bush" and they stick with it even when its proven to be false. Back in the day someone came up with an easy way to pick a candidate, just ask yourself "would you buy a used car from this person" think about it a second. Smoking Dan.

Monday, December 12, 2011


OWS=Obama's-Waiting-Solders! Remember back when Obama said he wanted a civilian army as big or bigger than our military? I do! And here's the start, the leadership for this army. Now their figuring out how to make a communication network, how to organize the troops, how to slow down stop and destroy our capitalistic system. To the unemployed when capitalism slows down and stops and any hope of your situation getting any better dies, that's right no hope what so ever! Think about just how long it takes the government to do anything? And for those who have jobs or own business's large or small. Just what are you going to do when they show up at your front door? You say that could never happen, well just what do you think happened to the business's around the park that all the occupier's were camping out at? Cuz if we don't wake up and open our eyes and STOP THESE PEOPLE ! We must demand the police do their job! We must vote those who support and work for Obama out and out vote those who who vote for him. And explain to everyone just what this man and his administration intend to do to this country and its people. And make sure Hollywood and all others that support him are brought out into the light for everyone to see for who and what they really are!

Friday, December 9, 2011

The fast and the furious

A really good movie, a really bad idea by Obama and his administration. Lets see get a hold of a bunch of gun dealers and while you or I would have to wait for an instance check, an instance check that has always taken the 5 working day limit for me. Where these people found ok instantly for as many guns as they could carry out the door and across the border and in to the hands of the nearest drug cartel. And all so Obama could tell the Mexican government how if it were not for the big bad American gun industry this could never have happened. While in truth if it hadn't been for Obama and his anti gun commie,s none of the carnage would have happened, at least not with American bought guns. Oh and wheres the high and mighty U.N. why are there not at least accessory to murder charges against Obama and his administration, but look at what they will do to keep guns out of our hands. Who are the real criminals? Smoking Dan.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Lindsay Lohan

How sad. Someone with so much talent so young. I blame her plait on the leeches around her, the perfect trifecta family, friends, and business people, and not one that cares a crap about her, just what shes worth and as soon as that's all burned out or shes dead and they'll just move to the next payday. We've all seen it before and she wont be the last. Whats next for her who knows, I pray she finds happiness and peace. Smoking Dan.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

50 girls

I read today about these 50 girls surrounding a house in New York and how when the police got there how they jumped them and beat them down? What the hell! These kids are doing this because no one has ever stopped them and said NO! If these "kids" will do this to the police then who would they hesitate to attack and probably kill, after all they think hey I'm a kid what are they going to do? Shoot a few of them dead maybe that little dose of reality might help, and in these circumstances keep on shooting them until you get rid of the stupid ones and the smart ones will figure it out! Other wise I can't imagine what they are going to turn in to when they get to be adults but I think it's a pretty safe bet that they are going to think their entitled to act this way! Smoking Dan.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Can't believe it.

Once again the liberal media has made the decision for us and we let them. Once again they have left us with a lesser of two evil vote. By the way picking the lesser of two evils, your still choosing EVIL! So once again we vote as sheepeople. Well not me! If I have to I'll write in who I'm voting for. And that's that! Smoking Dan.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Wells Fargo Bank.

Some of the Wells Fargo banks in Florida have made the decision to not allow any Toys for Tots barrels, well isn't that special. I can only hope that every one of your depositors empty their accounts first thing come Monday! Who ever made this decision should have their faces put up on billboards, every TV and radio station in your state should announce your names so every one knows exactly who you are. What a bunch of  low life "A" holes!!!! Smoking Dan.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


I bought their smallest unit kind of a oxymoron cuz it's pretty darn big, they call them a zone heater or a room heater I've got it in an uninsulated 9'x12' room, and the only source of heat. It's got 11 settings on it, so far setting it on more than 1 and it's just to much. I've had other heaters in this room and they have dried the air out so much I had a lot of nose bleeds so far not with this unit. I know their expensive but they had a pretty good sale on them so I got one, and so far I'm very pleased. I'll come back to it in a month or two when I see what the electric bill is. Smoking Dan.