Friday, December 30, 2011
Still really sick.
I'm sick enough, and drugged up enough that I'm pretty sure I went out to lunch yesterday with a friend but not 100%? Smoking Dan.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Its just a cold?
Ive got a cold, if I could figure that one out in about 10min. you would think a crack team of doctors and other specialists could figure it out in less then 7hr.but that's what it took. The problem isn't really theirs, no its ours we are ready to sue if they miss anything, so they test for everything. I probably had enough chest X rays that my nipples glow in the dark. Yes I'm talking about the V.A. heath care system. Now don't get me wrong these people have over the years taking very good care of me. And the drugs are free! And they do handle an incredible amount of people The parking lot is always full, and all the waiting rooms are always next time I'll pack a lunch and a dinner, take all my med's along with some form of entertainment. Smoking Dan.
Monday, December 26, 2011
I fear.
I fear the worst in this country is still to come. I remember when everyone said Nixon was the worst, but then we had Clinton and everyone said that's as bad as it can get, and now here's Obama, and I fear that he's not the worst yet. If it keeps going down the same road its going to take a majority of very strong people to put this country back on the tracks. I believe these people might be the combat vets that are now returning. These are some of the strongest people Ive ever met and I pray they will be our future. Smoking Dan.
Friday, December 23, 2011
I pray for our leaders. I pray that they might pray for guidance and for the humility to follow it. I pray for my country. I pray for the salvation of its people. But most of all I pray that GOD BLESS AMERICA. Smoking Dan.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Snow parking.
I went shopping to day, Don't even get me started on that. Even though we don't have any snow yet, I've noticed some thing when it does snow and it covers up the lines in the parking lot. Its like everybody got hit hard with the stupid stick, and have never been to a parking lot before in their life. It's like everybody drove in the parking lot at 100mph slammed on the brakes and when the vehicle finally came to a stop, they just climbed out and left their vehicle were it came to a stop. It looks like one of those accidents they show at the bottom of a icy hill with about 1000 cars and trucks. I've even seen two cars park nose to nose and another person pull in behind one of the cars so close that the person in the middle had to wait til one of the others came back to get out. Or park so close that you can't get your door open to get into your car. And one more thing if you don't have a handy cap parking thing you can't park in a handy cap spot if you leave someone else in the car! Even though I don't think it will do any good try using your brain when you park this winter. Smoking Dan.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Karen Johnson AKA. Whoopi Goldberg
Karen Johnson AKA Whoopi Goldberg, one of the hens on the View. I don't understand why anyone would waste their time watching this tripe, to much time I guess. Anyway I'm old enough to remember her surfer girl back ally coat hanger abortion bit, it showed just how low and disgusting a person she really is! Well now along with all her other half ass ed ideas we find out how she thinks communism is such a good idea. You can say something is one thing, but if you look at it in its practical use that's what it really is. Communism, Islam ism, Socialism, and Fascism are all one in the same in the end, because if you don't do as they tell you to they all end at the point of a gun! They all go against the God given freedom all human beings are born with. You see we are all born free some just lose that freedom faster than others. We in this country are born free and live free, even though their are many out there that are trying to end this as hard as they can, and that's why we must fight against all those who try to bring forth one or all of the four isms with our very lives each and every day. Smoking Dan.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
TV Sucks
That's right TV sucks! It seems like some very talented people take the time to write and develop a very well thought out show. Find the right people to star in it. Record a season of the show, and to this point everything is great. Then they sell it to a network where it is finally shown to you and me. And if we like it then everything is great, right, NO! Cuz then the network takes this perfectly good show of the air for months while they show some piece of crap, during which time you wind up forgetting what the show you enjoyed was all about. And if that's not bad enough when they do bring it back they decide to inject a few award shows and sporting events in between the new seasons shows so that some times its 2-3 weeks before the next episode and if you forget when the next show is airing and miss it, well lets just say after a while you just lose interest. For me this has happened for shows like The X files, Alias, Fringe, and others, and yes this pisses me off! Or they just sell it to a network channel you don't get. Just like NASCAR, and INDY CAR racing hey I've got an idea lets show 1/2 the season on one channel and the other 1/2 on another channel I don't get. So to the people that make these decisions can you say you just lost a viewer. Smoking Dan.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Sorry to Iran?
Really, say we are sorry to Iran for the spy drone, OK, that's right I guess we should have just bombed you back to the stone age, you know make your country look like a glow stick from space. Consider the drone a warning ,the one and only, the last! Stop your nuke programs now or find out what real shock and ah is! Smoking Dan.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
When I think back Christmas was really something. it meant the most, the best time of the year was coming. You got out of school for Christmas break that meant you got to go out and have fun even before Christmas even got there. There was all ways snow on the ground so you had all the stuff you could do in the snow snow men, snow ball fights, snow forts, going sledding, skiing, making money shoveling snow just in general having fun. Then there was the fun of going Christmas shopping, back in the day when they had really dangerous toys erector sets, train sets chemistry sets, I remember the dog was crapping blue for a week, bow and arrow sets, BB guns that shot real BB's. Them old Christmas tree lights that would start a fire in a second, but would not work if one bulb was bad no matter how long it took you to find it checking one bulb at a time, those thin glass ornaments that would break if you looked at them wrong. Standing in line for hours just to sit on Santa's lap and get your picture taken. When every place you went had big signs up that said "MERRY CHRISTMAS'. When mom and dad stayed up all night pretty drunk on eggnog and hot buttered rum drinks wrapping and assembling stuff. Back when Christmas was truly magical. And somehow we all survived. Smoking Dan.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Used Cars.
Sorry about yesterday thought it was Monday, sometimes when you get older, well lets just leave it at that, OK. Any way I look at the bunch running for president and I think is this the best we can do? I mean really, out of 300 and some odd million people we could field a better group then this. And then there's the liberal media. Even though they won't ask Obama anything that might make him look bad, they will not hesitate to rip all of our people to shreds. Even if the questions they ask aren't true and they know it. "Dan Rather and G.W. Bush" and they stick with it even when its proven to be false. Back in the day someone came up with an easy way to pick a candidate, just ask yourself "would you buy a used car from this person" think about it a second. Smoking Dan.
Monday, December 12, 2011
OWS=Obama's-Waiting-Solders! Remember back when Obama said he wanted a civilian army as big or bigger than our military? I do! And here's the start, the leadership for this army. Now their figuring out how to make a communication network, how to organize the troops, how to slow down stop and destroy our capitalistic system. To the unemployed when capitalism slows down and stops and any hope of your situation getting any better dies, that's right no hope what so ever! Think about just how long it takes the government to do anything? And for those who have jobs or own business's large or small. Just what are you going to do when they show up at your front door? You say that could never happen, well just what do you think happened to the business's around the park that all the occupier's were camping out at? Cuz if we don't wake up and open our eyes and STOP THESE PEOPLE ! We must demand the police do their job! We must vote those who support and work for Obama out and out vote those who who vote for him. And explain to everyone just what this man and his administration intend to do to this country and its people. And make sure Hollywood and all others that support him are brought out into the light for everyone to see for who and what they really are!
Friday, December 9, 2011
The fast and the furious
A really good movie, a really bad idea by Obama and his administration. Lets see get a hold of a bunch of gun dealers and while you or I would have to wait for an instance check, an instance check that has always taken the 5 working day limit for me. Where these people found ok instantly for as many guns as they could carry out the door and across the border and in to the hands of the nearest drug cartel. And all so Obama could tell the Mexican government how if it were not for the big bad American gun industry this could never have happened. While in truth if it hadn't been for Obama and his anti gun commie,s none of the carnage would have happened, at least not with American bought guns. Oh and wheres the high and mighty U.N. why are there not at least accessory to murder charges against Obama and his administration, but look at what they will do to keep guns out of our hands. Who are the real criminals? Smoking Dan.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Lindsay Lohan
How sad. Someone with so much talent so young. I blame her plait on the leeches around her, the perfect trifecta family, friends, and business people, and not one that cares a crap about her, just what shes worth and as soon as that's all burned out or shes dead and they'll just move to the next payday. We've all seen it before and she wont be the last. Whats next for her who knows, I pray she finds happiness and peace. Smoking Dan.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
50 girls
I read today about these 50 girls surrounding a house in New York and how when the police got there how they jumped them and beat them down? What the hell! These kids are doing this because no one has ever stopped them and said NO! If these "kids" will do this to the police then who would they hesitate to attack and probably kill, after all they think hey I'm a kid what are they going to do? Shoot a few of them dead maybe that little dose of reality might help, and in these circumstances keep on shooting them until you get rid of the stupid ones and the smart ones will figure it out! Other wise I can't imagine what they are going to turn in to when they get to be adults but I think it's a pretty safe bet that they are going to think their entitled to act this way! Smoking Dan.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Can't believe it.
Once again the liberal media has made the decision for us and we let them. Once again they have left us with a lesser of two evil vote. By the way picking the lesser of two evils, your still choosing EVIL! So once again we vote as sheepeople. Well not me! If I have to I'll write in who I'm voting for. And that's that! Smoking Dan.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Wells Fargo Bank.
Some of the Wells Fargo banks in Florida have made the decision to not allow any Toys for Tots barrels, well isn't that special. I can only hope that every one of your depositors empty their accounts first thing come Monday! Who ever made this decision should have their faces put up on billboards, every TV and radio station in your state should announce your names so every one knows exactly who you are. What a bunch of low life "A" holes!!!! Smoking Dan.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
I bought their smallest unit kind of a oxymoron cuz it's pretty darn big, they call them a zone heater or a room heater I've got it in an uninsulated 9'x12' room, and the only source of heat. It's got 11 settings on it, so far setting it on more than 1 and it's just to much. I've had other heaters in this room and they have dried the air out so much I had a lot of nose bleeds so far not with this unit. I know their expensive but they had a pretty good sale on them so I got one, and so far I'm very pleased. I'll come back to it in a month or two when I see what the electric bill is. Smoking Dan.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
The stock market.
I usually like to write about things I know more about. But the stock market? I'm old enough to have kept an eye on it over the years, I've seen it go up and down. I watched it go up and up a few years ago until no one thought it could last, and guess what they were right and then it crashed down, and a lot of people were mad cuz they lost money. I think they were mad cuz some people who knew when to get out made a lot of money. The funny thing was it seems like a lot of them made money with out any actual product being produced. In fact this seemed about the time banks were willing to loan 125% of the worth of a house? Now the thing is bouncing up and down the way the back end of my car does on the ice, now if this analogy holds true then we better brace for impact, and if the whipping around is any indication its going to be a big one! Smoking Dan.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Obama media
Well it's been interesting watching Obama's media take out the republican candidates that they fear one by one. And now their down to the ones that they figure they can take out later or that won't be any different then Obama. There is Newt who cheated on his wife and got thrown out as speaker of the house and Mitt who's Obama lite. We should just vote the one they went after the hardest, to show them that we not buying their garbage! Smoking Dan.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Dead Marine
I read the story about the marine shot 22 times by the police. This has got to be the saddest thing I've ever read. Having said that I'm left with one thought, If your going to come at the police with gun prepare to die. It may not be right, it may not be fair, it just is! Rest in Peace. Smoking Dan.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
That's right I read an article about how the BATF is now interested in scouring pads because they could be used for packing materials for suppressors or silencers for guns. Oh my, whats next brass, copper, and aluminum screen, 1 liter soda bottles, PVC tubing and fittings, rubber washers and seals, freeze plugs and copper tubing, what about feather pillows a rubber bands, what about aluminum,steel and titanium materials, how about drills, end mills, lathes and milling machines, and less not forget about the hundreds of books and web sites. Maybe they ought to spend more time not supplying drug cartels with full auto assault weapons! You know the ones used to kill our boarder agents. Smoking Dan.
Friday, November 25, 2011
National Anthem
Why do we keep getting people to sing the national anthem who don't know the words? Maybe a music stand with a sheet of paper with the words on it problem solved! I mean really. Smoking Dan.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Thanks Giving.
What am I thankful for? Well, I'm thankful for being blessed for each day I wake up and each meal I eat, for my kids and grand kids, for my friends, for the greatest country in the world I live in and all the people who came before and left it to me, for my home and that it's paid for, for the men and woman in our military and the job they do and the sacrifice their families make, and I thank God the most for all these things. Smoking Dan.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Hi Point 9mm
Ok before you start I know Hi Points are barely a gun but they do work and they come with a life time warranty. And even with as funky as they are were else you going to buy a new 9mm for $100 that will hold a 3" group at 75'. Their kind of big and clunky, heavy and they slip around in your hand. But for a first hand gun or cheep protection they work. I've had one of the carbines that you could hit a bunny at 100 yards. Just can't beat it for $100. Smoking Dan.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Well I fired a few hundred rounds through a "Kel-Tec Sub2000" at some zombie splatter targets today, what a fun gun to shoot. At .40 cal and just 4.0lbs, 29.5" open, 16" folded, with a 16.1' barrel length. The one I got was sighted dead on and fired a 2" group at 75' out of the box. At 4.0lbs it does kick pretty good but that's ok. It uses a Glock magazine w/22 rounds, just a suggestion order the Glock speed loader or you may have a lot of trouble getting all 22 rounds loaded up. One short coming with the way it folds up your pretty much stuck with the stock sights, which if you like open sights work just fine. A couple of accessories that will help one the Glock slide on grip and the recoil tube cover. The soft case works well too, with it folded up at 16" looks like a small laptop in the case. For the price of a few boxes of .40sw you've got hours of shooting fun.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Funny stuff.
One of the funniest things I saw this weekend was the protesters winning about being pepper sprayed, what a bunch of wimps. In the old days they hit us with "CS gas", water cannons and police dogs. These people should stay home and twit each other. Whats next bitching about stubbed toes and hang nails? If this is the best they've got to offer maybe we really don't have anything to worry about. What a bunch of wienie wimps! Smoking Dan.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Iran close to a nuke.
So Iran is close to a nuke. This can not be allowed to happen! This is a country run by a man who said he would be willing to lose 60% of his population on a first retaliatory attack. There is no doubt that the moment Iran has a working nuke they will use it on Israel, and who do you think will be their 2nd target. All they need to do is get a ship with in a few hundred miles of our shore, which they have already threatened to do. Fire it up far enough over our east or west coast blow it up and shut down pretty much everything electrical down or at least enough to cause us a great hardship. So it doesn't matter how bold the attack, it must take place! Iran must be stopped no matter the worlds opinion. This threat is just to big! So stop Iran and stop them now!!!!!!!! Smoking Dan.
Friday, November 18, 2011
To the parents.
This is to the parents of the students down on these occupy movement sites. Unless you want to expose your children to the dangers of this movement, which include rapes, drugs, molestations, violence, diseases , lice, fleas,criminal records and brain washing, none of which will ever help them get any kind of a job or become a well balanced person, your kids are being brought onto a cult. You need to cut off all support now, you need to get them out now! Or the future problems they have because of this will be on your head. That's right cuz your the grownup. Have you noticed how the followers repeat everything the speakers say this is classic cult training and textbook brainwashing! Most of your kids are learning what to think, not how to think for them selves, is this what your paying for, sending them to college, really? Or do You want your kids coming out of college with the skills to look forward at life and say I'll get up every mourning and go out and be the best at what I do, that I'll give 100% of what I've got to give and I'll look for ways to better myself, and if I hit a dead end then I'll find a different direction till I find a path of success! After all isn't this why you send your kids to college? Smoking Dan.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
It worrys me.
Yes it worries me, if you read my blog of yesterday. I've seen this before back in the 60's and it led to a very bad time! I think this movement will pretty much go a way for the winter, this will not be because it's ended but instead gone under ground. The winter will give the leadership a chance to become more organized, more dangerous, putting their ducks in a row. The problem is most of us will go back to sleep. All the while the organizers will be planning their next attack starting next spring. A much more dangerous and deadly attack to last the summer. The last time it had police being murdered, Watts being burned down, students being shoot at Ohio state and the loss of many of that generation to drugs and violence. " If we don't learn from history we will repeat it! And parents this time it will be your children dieing. For those of us old enough to remember this was a very bad time in our country. one that took a very long time to heal. So for those of you old enough to remember grow up it wasn't a romantic time it was a dangerous time, and what if your kids are not as lucky as you were. Are you ready for that. Will you be ready to bring your kids home in a box, because you didn't make them understand? Smoking Dan.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Well suprise, suprise.
What is it about the occupier knot heads that after over a month of incoherent babbling and never getting a apply able thought out and managing to only create an area where rapes took place, several dead and murdered body's showed up, public sex, defecation, drug use, theft and other criminal activities, health conditions equal to a third world areas with rats, lice and flees, the open destruction of public and private property and violent confrontations with police and generally a public nascence. Surprise so many brains so little sense. And the only message they got out was "we are lewd crude and socially unacceptable, and the Hollywood stars that backed them are just as dumb"! Smoking Dan.
It's about time.
I was reading the news this mourning and it seems like the occupiers are just bitching a way, or is it really the news reporters. Seems like they have had it pretty easy lately if they need some filler they just send some people down to the protest and get some quotes and instant filler and it really doesn't matter what they say, cuz they will print it no matter what it is. looks like they will have to go back to work? Smoking Dan.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Who are we. We are the ancestor's, the pictures in the scrape books, the grand parents, the parents, the fathers, the mothers, the aunts and uncles and cousins, the brothers and sisters, the sons and daughters. All who gave some and some who gave all. We were the ones who fought against all who would try to take our freedom no mater who they were, no matter where they came from. We were the ones who gave our lives to our country for a time. WE ARE VET'S! Smoking Dan.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The GSG-522 is a really sweet little little German Sport Gun in .22 cal looks like a HK MP5 . In fact it looked so much like one they got sued and had to change a few things on the outside of it in order to keep selling it they have 2,10,15,22,and 110 rnd. mags for it. I'm using the 22 rnd. at this time, they load easy and feed really good. I've got about 2000 rnds. threw it so far and it works great, takes about 800 continuous rnds. threw it before the first feed problems show up. At 75ft. at the local indoor range it holds about a 2in. shot group as fast as I can pull the trigger with open sights. This equals out to about 3hr.of fun for a $16.00 brick of 22 ammo. Smoking Dan.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
I've had a bad roof for many years, over the last month my 2 best friends got to gather on 2 days and replaced a 1/4 of my roof. Work I am no longer able to do. One traveled in from 2 states a way, and the other from the northern part of my state twice, and it was 2 days of hard work. In a world where so many think they can only depend on them selves having good friends is a real blessing I pray that all should be blessed with such friends. Smoking Dan.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Some one should tell them.
I think everyone of these protesters that have taken time off work should be fired! The students should be given F's for their time missed from class! The business owners, laid off employees, property owners and cities should bring a class action suit against the organizer's and supporters for lost profits, lost work, property damage, and clean up. And the teachers that bring their class of under age children should be brought up on charges for child endangerment! And sued by the parents I see lots of work for attorneys, so come on guys and gals grab your briefcases and business cards and get going. Smoking Dan.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Looking at the news.
As I fired up the old computer I was looking for the news of the last nights activities and what did I find on my xfinity home page? NOTHING! What a surprise, that's right not a thing, so now I'm waiting for the mourning news to come on so more in a while.Well I watched the news ABC, NBC, CBS. Wow that last one says it all, see b.s. for a while I thought we all dodged a bullet, maybe the occupiers went home cuz there was nothing there, that's right nothing. But later I was listening to talk radio and they were all talking about it, could it be, its like ABC, NBC, CBS were trying to control the news, like maybe their trying to control us by the news they reported to us or didn't report to us. But this would put them on the side of the occupier's. Makes you wonder what else their telling us or not telling us. I guess they really do think we all are that stupid! Smoking Dan.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Told you so.
There have been people telling you that this has been the end goal of the occupier's all a long, but the news media has handled this as a joke, all a long. they have ignored the crime, the rapes, the drugs, the thieves, and all the other stuff that has been going on at these occupy rallies cuz you see they knew what the end game was all a long. This is also what Obama and the people that he has surrounded him self with have been hoping for, its what they have been waiting for since the 60's, cuz you see it didn't work back then.if this doesn't end soon the people are going to ask the government to do something to stop this and they will be more than happy to do something, the question is when their done doing something how many freedoms will we have lost? You see in the 60's the radicals didn't have the people at the top like they do now. We are definitely entering some interesting and dangerous times. Smoking Dan.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
I,ve been waching.
Yes I've been watching the run up to next years election and as I've been watching , something dawned on me, its not the people we have elected. No its our fault. THAT'S RIGHT ITS OUR FAULT! You see we elected them, we sent them to our capitals, state and federal and when they got there they sucked up all the power and did what ever they wanted to and what did we do, well we waited around for a few years and elected some more lop headed sob's and they went to their offices and did the same thing. Seems like someone said some thing about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Well its time to do some thing different? Like maybe we should actually hold these people responsible for representing us we the people. Then I'm not sure it would make that much of a difference who we elected because if they didn't represent us they would know that they would be RECALLED. That's right if you don't do what the people that elected you to do, then we aren't going to wait for years to get rid of you, no as soon as we feel that your not doing your job "representing us" your FIRED. You see its not you that has the power its "WE THE PEOPLE"! But until we the people are ready to hold these people accountable we are going to keep winding up with the same result. And that's why its our fault! Smoking Dan.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
My hands.
Have you ever looked at your hands? I have. And having worked as a mechanic and a design draftsman so Ive done things with my hands that have been amazing . From putting them in places and putting on a fastener that no tool could ever do, and I've caught a bug and handled it with out any harm. I've brought pleasure to a woman and held a wound closed and sowed it up with just 2 hands, I've held my new born son in my hands and grabbed and picked up a 100 lb. bag of sand. Ive deflect a punch and broking a nose with my fist. I've shook a mans hand to seal a deal and caught a ball in mid air, I've waved goodbye to a friend and squeezed a trigger to take out an enemy. I've used them to climb a tree and to push a car. these are all things I've done with my hands and so many things more. Smoking Dan.
Monday, October 31, 2011
When I was a kid.
When I was a kid, things were good, things were bad, things were? When I was a kid things were cheaper gas was 25 cents a gal., stamps were 2 penny's for a letter, a phone call or a cup of coffee was 10 cents, a carton of smokes were $2.50, a new VW bug was $1200.00 and you could buy a house for about $5000.00 My parents had one credit card from Sears&Roebuck's. The only other things they had on credit was the car and the house. On Sundays the family went to church, the rest of the day we spent with family and friends cuz nothing else was open "blue laws" When I was a kid you had respect for your elders and referred to them as Mr. and Mrs. If you got in trouble at school, you got in more trouble when you got home! When I was a kid we were taught about the state and country we lived in. When I was a kid you get drafted when you were 18 but you couldn't drink or vote until you were 21. When I was a kid we started our school day with the pledge of allegiance and a prayer. When I was a kid we had a nuclear blast drill where you got under your school desk put your head between your knees and kissed your butt goodbye. These are some of the things I remember when I was a kid. Smoking Dan.
Friday, October 28, 2011
I saw this in the 60's, you've got a lot of people with out a clue that just want to be part of something, some with a real bitch, and some that are really dangerous, they just want to tear down this country, the funny thing is a lot of them are the same ones that where there in the 60's and they are backed by the same kind of Hollywood rich and millionaires that the dangerous ones say the masses should be against. You see when it comes down to it the dangerous ones are only against those that don't agree with them. To the masses your being used. If your leaders are telling you to tear stuff down, to destroy, to be violent then, THEY ARE EVIL!
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