Thursday, February 16, 2012

Whitney Houston ?

We always seem to celebrate these people after their dead, or should I say after they have killed themselves. Be it Hendrix, Joplin, Cass, Morison, Cobain, Winehouse, and now Houston. Sorry For any miss spellings. All of these people are losers that took a God given talent and wasted it with drugs and alcohol, they are not to be looked up to, maybe felt sorry for wasting it all. Maybe they lived life their way and that's fine if you want to piss your life away isn't it great to be free. But we should never celebrate them! Smoking Dan.

1 comment:

  1. I agree we don't need to celebrate people like this, heck we hardly celebrate when our militarty gets killed. and to think that the governer of what ever state Houstin was born in wants to lower the flag.
